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Aerial Lidar and Digital Imaging Services

2 Things You Should Know About Aerial Lidar and Digital Imaging Services

Though they are a major part of helping the world to function effectively, aerial lidar and digital imaging services do not often receive the attention they deserve. In combination with global positioning systems and keen civil engineers, this technology has been used to virtually transform the way that people transport goods and cargo. If you’re new to this space, then here are two things you should know about aerial lidar and digital imaging services.

Lidar surveying is becoming more popular than ever before.

Thanks to recent developments in the technology of lidar surveying and photogrammetry, it is now more cost-effective than ever before to survey areas that are in need of modifications. Not only can aerial lidar and digital imaging services save money on an operation, but they can also offer designers, engineers, and architects with valuable insights that may be missed otherwise. If you’ve noticed a rise in the popularity of these types of technologies, you should only expect even more developments as the technology grows, improves, and evolves.

Aerial lidar and digital imaging services have made American highways more efficient.

Inspired by the network of high-speed roads he saw in Germany during World War II, Dwight D. Eisenhower championed the passing of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956. The law funded the first 41,000 miles of paved glory that made up the early interstate system in the United States, which now boasts 46,876 miles and runs through each of the 50 states. Since then, various iterations of aerial lidar and digital imaging services have been deployed to make highways safer and more efficient for travelers of all kinds. Lidar detection systems, for example, are incredibly proficient in saving money when compares to other kinds of systems.

If you’re interested in speaking with an established company in the aerial lidar and digital imaging services space, then reach out and contact a member of our team today. At ACI Corporation, we pride ourselves on offering a wide range of lidar services to fit numerous urban design models. Get in touch with us today for more information and to learn how you can make use of the latest developments in aerial lidar and digital imaging services.

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