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ACI USA Inc.: 2813 Executive Park Drive Suite #205, Weston, FL 33331   |   Phone: +1 (954) 410-6754

The importance of LiDAR in the construction industry

LiDAR technology has become popular in the construction industry as it has helped enhance the work productivity of processes and teams. When a project doesn’t have an efficient process, the project’s safety is harder to maintain. LiDAR inspections are a great cost-effective option to enhance construction project safety. Keep reading to find out more ways on how LiDAR is contributing to the construction world.

Using LiDAR and photogrammetry gives a detailed simulation of the project’s environment

LiDAR and photogrammetry can be combined to create 3D models, especially for environments with high-resolution imagery. This helps give a complete and detailed simulation of the environment, such as dimensions of the ground features and textures. Although it can be a costly solution, it is very suitable for large-scale and complex projects.

Using aerial lidar in construction to plan ahead of the terrain

Aerial LiDAR is ideal for environments and grounds that have a considerable amount of over-growth. It can create a precise 3D map of the scanned regions. The data is later imported into construction software that allows for detailed simulations, particularly for construction build and improved costing. LiDAR technology is also useful when there might be several interruptions between grounds and the aerial system. It’s important to note that without LiDAR a construction company can’t plan ahead of the terrain.

Other ways LiDAR can help in a construction project

Before construction begins, a LiDAR surveying should be done first to evaluate the whole terrain and identify how the land will need to be leveled or altered. LiDAR provides information for analysis and simulation when developing a construction project. In addition to this, this technology also delivers quick and precise surveys right from the start of a project and also determine maintenance or repair requirements as needed for every project.

The best thing about LiDAR services for construction is that they can be used to determine any potential issues that can affect safety concerns. At ACI we use LiDAR technology for any of our construction administration, supervision, and inspection projects. Our experienced project engineers and staff provides services for commercial and industrial building, residential development projects, health facilities, and more. Contact us today.

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